April 19, 2015

My Life's Greatest Lessons-Part 1 (THE SOLITUDE'S PARADISE)

As I sit today, writing about the journey of my life over the past year, I feel a sense of completeness building inside me. I feel that I have been away from my inner self for quite some time now and so, now, I am trying to reconnect with all over again.

If I look back to my life till now, I have had my share of failures and success. I have had both. I have had moments of extreme happiness and moments of absolute gloom. But, that's pretty much part of everyone's life. Right? So, here's a thought. When every human being faces the same set of challenges, served in different ways obviously, why is that some of us come out of it emerging as leaders, innovators, people who change the world, while the rest of us end up being someone less than what they can be. Who is stopping them from becoming what they can actually be? And, what is that one thing that sets the two kinds of people apart from each other?

Over the course of next few writings, I will tell you about some of my own life experiences that have shaped me who I am today. And, who I wanna be over the next few years.So, let's get started.

A man who learns from others' experiences is indeed wise. 

Since the time I came back to Pune, I have had my share of moments when I felt absolutely disappointed with my life. True that I have a wonderful job, a good place to be in, a perfect family and all the other ingredients of a perfect life. But, I felt that something was missing in my life. In my life before coming to Pune, I had given in to the issues which were not only petty but also unproductive. I had started to consume alcohol more than once in a while and have started to date a few people. But, in the process, I had started to disintegrate myself from the person who I really was. A person who I cultivated over the years with so much hard work and will power. But, as they say, no  thing happens in your life without a reason. All you need is to have the right perspective and the will to see that reason.

There are nothing such as bad experiences, lessons is what they are.

Now, coming back to Pune, I realised that I have less number of friends in this city. Being a guy as social as I am, it was never difficult for me to make new friends. But, somehow, I was finding it difficult to do one thing that I was actually good at. The initial days were so tough that sometimes I could barely wake up from my bed. I felt that my life has lost its purpose. That, it has lost all of its meaning. I wanted to make some changes in my life and, as they say, the one who wants to see will see even through darkness. 

One day while surfing on one of the website, I saw this book titled "THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI" and I remember one of my dear friend telling me the profound impact it had on his life. I immediately ordered the book and I started reading it. I couldn't believe the profound impact it had on me right from the first word. At the end of the book, I realized one very important thing that has been missing from my life and that is, the power of silence. I remembered the time when I could just sit in my room with absolute silence for hours contemplating on all the good things that I have in my life. Now, all of that seems missing in my life. So, I decided to act.

Over the next few weeks, I would wake up early, and go into the room, which I call, "The Solitude's Paradise", leaving the whole world outside and I would just sit there. The first few days were difficult. I could see my mind wander to the things that I had done in the past, the things that I'd do in the future and all other unproductive thoughts. Then, slowly but steadily, I started to hear silence. I started to see what the world actually wanted me to see. I started to feel all the wrong that was there in my life and slowly I started to remove all the dust that was hampering my growth. Today, it's been three weeks since I started that practice of Solitude's Paradise and it has done wonders to my life. I feel calm, peaceful, loving and more focused. And, I have started to do things that I love doing most, writing being one of those, maybe the best of those.

In the end, I would just like to tell all of you who are reading this that if you feel you are stuck somewhere in your life, that you feel you're frustrated with your life or that you are confused between things, stop whatever you are doing right now, go and find your "Solitude's Paradise". Keep your mobile phones away from you, don't keep the track of time you are spending in there, make yourself invisible from the world for sometime. There, my friend, you will find all your life's answers. For, every answer that you search for is right there. Inside you. Inside your "Solitude's Paradise".

Special thanks to my friend Vishal, for indirectly being a part of this experience.