February 11, 2011


This's a poem cum song written by someone known yet "anonymous"..I hope you all will read this and would try to connect with your's "you"...

There is something about this wind,
every time it blows,
makes me feel "you" in "me"..
There is something about this sun,
every time it shines, 
gives a new life for "you" in "me"..
There is something about you,
every time you smile,
makes me feel lost in "you"..
Someone i admire is "you",
someone i look for is "you"!Baby, you!!

There is something about this rain,
every time it falls,
brings a new hope for "you" in "me"..
There is something about this night,
every time it comes,
fulfills my dream of life with "you"..
There is something about you,
every time you cry,
makes me feel lost in me.
Someone i want is "you",
someone i love is "you"..

Something about me
u don't know is,
Something about me
i want you to know is

This piece of not so "peaceful" heart is very dear to me, and i have dared to share it with you all.Hope you all like this!!!
Until next time, be good, be happy!!!


Unknown said...

ultimate.. :))

Unknown said...

@Anusha:Thank you...

Unknown said...

aweeeeeeeee....so cute.n yes offcourse..a big hats off

nisha said...

awsum!!! very very nice ...:)

Unknown said...

Thank you lehar and nisha..:)